We are programmed by our past beliefs, which we inherited from our parents, our cultural traditions sometimes, and our social conditioning.
Yet the only reason you believe that you were born is that your parents saw you emerge from the womb. They thought they witnessed the moment when you began to exist, so they spread the rumor that you had been born." Savitri was astonished. . .
By not paying attention to your body, you are putting it in the same predicament as a neglected child. How can a child be expected to develop normally if the parents pay no attention, if they ignore its cries for help, and remain indifferent to whether their child is happy or unhappy?
Try not to worry what your parents think - try to help them see that you do live by the values that they taught you.
Most people think that aging is genetic and yet if your parents lived to age 80+ that will add three years to your life.
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