Advertising is legalized lying.
The advertisement is the most truthful part of a newspaper.
Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.
I am one who believes that one of the greatest dangers of advertising is not that of misleading people, but that of boring them to death.
Sex is the most fun you can have without laughing.
Mass demand has been created almost entirely through the development of advertising.
In the arts, the critic is the only independent source of information. The rest is advertising.
I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information.
Does advertising corrupt editors? Yes it does, but fewer editors than you may suppose... the vast majority of editors are incorruptible.
Like a midwife, I make my living bringing new babies into the world, except that mine are new advertising campaigns.
The most important word in the vocabulary of advertising is TEST. If you pretest your product with consumers, and pretest your advertising, you will do well in the marketplace.
In good times, people want to advertise; in bad times, they have to.
Advertising is fundamentally persuasion and persuasion happens to be not a science, but an art.
The force of the advertising word and image dwarfs the power of other literature in the 20th century.
It is advertising and the logic of consumerism that governs the depiction of reality in the mass media.
Ninety-nine percent of advertising doesn't sell much of anything.
But I think technology advertising will have to stop addressing how products are made and concentrate more on what a product will do for the consumer.
News represents another form of advertising, not liberal propaganda.
I'm not in the advertising business, but I think it would be very nice if people went to see the film Hamlet, because it was made with love and integrity
People aren't interested in you. They're interested in themselves
Of course advertising creates wants. Of course it makes people discontented, dissatisfied. Satisfaction with things as they are would defeat the American Dream.
The enemies of advertising are the enemies of freedom.
What is the difference between unethical and ethical advertising? Unethical advertising uses falsehoods to deceive the public; ethical advertising uses truth to deceive the public.
You can do a good ad without good typography, but you can't do a great ad without good typography.
For after all, a poster does more than simply supply information on the goods it advertises; it also reveals a society’s state of mind
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