William Shakespeare, Samuel Johnson, George Steevens (1813). “The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Twenty-one Volumes, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes”, p.230
William Shakespeare (1823). “The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: From the Text of Johnson, Stevens, and Reed; with Glossarial Notes, His Life, and a Critique on His Genius & Writings”, p.228
William Shakespeare (1823). “The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text of the Corrected Copy Left by the Late George Steevens, Esq. With Glossarial Notes”, p.377
William Shakespeare (1823). “The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, from the Text of Johnson, Stevens and Reed. With Glossarial Notes, His Life, and a Critique on His Genius and Writings, by N. Rowe”, p.19
William Shakespeare (1816). “The Works of William Shakspeare...: Collated Verbatim with the Most Authentic Copies, and Revised, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators”, p.82
William Shakespeare, Joseph Dennie, Isaac Reed, Samuel Johnson, George Steevens (1805). “The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators”, p.315