William Shakespeare, Oliver William Bourn Peabody, John Payne Collier, Samuel Weller Singer, Charles Symmons (1839). “The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: Henry IV, pt. 2. Henry V. Henry VI, pts. 1-3”, p.189
William Shakespeare, Capel Lofft (1812). “Aphorisms from Shakespeare; arranged according to the plays,&c. With a preface and notes, etc. [By C. Lofft.]”, p.94
William Shakespeare, Oliver William Bourn Peabody, Samuel Weller Singer, Charles Symmons, John Payne Collier (1848). “1847. Richard III. Henry VIII. Troilus and Cressida. Timon of Athens. Coriolanus”, p.35
William Shakespeare (2012). “Comedies of Shakespeare in Plain and Simple English (a Modern Translation and the Original Version)”, p.3514, BookCaps Study Guides
William Shakespeare, Oliver William Bourn Peabody, Samuel Weller Singer, Charles Symmons, John Payne Collier (1839). “The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: Julius Cæser. Antony and Cleopatra. Cymbeline. Titus Andronicus. Pericles”, p.12
William Shakespeare (1855). “The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: With a Life of the Poet, and Notes, Original and Selected; Together with a Copious Glossary”, p.409
William Shakespeare (1881). “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: With a Life of the Poet, Explanatory Foot-notes, Critical Notes, and a Glossarial Index”
William Shakespeare, Oliver William Bourn Peabody, Samuel Weller Singer, Charles Symmons, John Payne Collier (1848). “1847. Richard III. Henry VIII. Troilus and Cressida. Timon of Athens. Coriolanus”, p.145
William Shakespeare (1849). “The Shakspearian Reader: A Collection of the Most Approved Plays of Shakspeare : Carefully Revised, with Introductory and Explanatory Notes, and a Memoir of the Author : Prepared Expressly for the Use of Classes, and the Family Reading Circle”, p.12
William Shakespeare, Thomas Bowdler (1849). “The Family Shakespeare: In One Volume, in which Nothing is Added to the Original Text, But Those Words and Expressions are Omitted which Cannot with Propriety be Read Aloud in a Family”, p.694
William Shakespeare, Sir John Oldcastle, William Harness, Alexander Anderson (1848). “A Supplement to the Plays of William Shakespeare: Comprising the Seven Dramas, which Have Been Ascribed to His Pen, But which are Not Included with His Writings in Modern Editions”, p.147