William Shakespeare (2012). “Comedies of Shakespeare in Plain and Simple English (a Modern Translation and the Original Version)”, p.3844, BookCaps Study Guides
William Shakespeare (1822). “The school-Shakspeare; or, Plays and scenes from Shakspeare illustr. for the use of schools, with glossarial notes selected from the best annotators by J.R. Pitman. [26 plays & extr. from 9 others & from the sonnets].”, p.293
William Shakespeare, George Steevens, Samuel Johnson, Alexander Pope, Mr Theobald (Lewis) (1803). “Much ado about nothing. Midsummer night's dream. Love's labour's lost. Merchant of Venice. As you like it”
William Shakespeare (1842). “The Works of William Shakespeare: The Text Formed from an Entirely New Collation of the Old Editions : with the Various Readings, Notes, a Life of the Poet, and a History of the Early English Stage”, p.475