Nowadays, many Americans have forgotten the meaning and traditions of Memorial Day. At cemeteries across the country, the graves of the fallen are sadly ignored, and worse, neglected.
Science is a cemetery of dead ideas, even though life may issue from them.
The only place where I felt at home, on familiar ground, was the Jewish cemetery. And yet I had never set foot in it before. Children had been forbidden to enter.
The wing of the Falcon brings to the king, the wing if the crow brings him to the cemetery.
The Russian dramatist is one who, walking through a cemetery, does not see the flowers on the graves. The American dramatist . . . Does not see the graves under the flowers.
Snow has turned the world into a cemetery. But the world already was a cemetery and the snow has only come to announce it.
There are an awful lot of skinny people in the cemetery.
The cemetery is filled with indispensable men.
Life is not a static thing. The only people who do not change their minds are incompetents in asylums, and those in cemeteries.
When I was young, my family didn't go on outings to the circus or trips to Disneyland. We couldn't afford them. Instead, we stayed in our small rural West Texas town, and my parents took us to cemeteries.
You look like a talent scout for a cemetery.
My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying.
The memory of most men is an abandoned cemetery where lie, unsung and unhonored, the dead whom they have ceased to cherish. Any lasting grief is reproof to their neglect.
Military cemeteries in every corner of the world are silent testimony to the failure of national leaders to sanctify human life.
I have seen something of the project of M. de St. Pierre, for maintaining a perpetual peace in Europe. I am reminded of a device in a cemetery, with the words: Pax perpetua ; for the dead do not fight any longer: but the living are of another humor; and the most powerful do not respect tribunals at all.
Marx was wrong. Religion is not the opiate of the people. Opium suggests something soporific, numbing, dulling. Too often religion has been an aphrodisiac for horror, a Benzedrine for bestiality. At its best it has lifted spirits and raised spires. At its worst it has turned entire civilizations into cemeteries.
Once, I took a taxi. I hate those limousines. They stink and their drivers have been driving dead people to the cemeteries.
It's easier to miss her at a cemetery, where she's never been anything but dead, than to miss her at all the places where she was alive.
True, more than a half of the green graves in the Grafton cemetery are marked "Unknown," and sometimes it occurs that one thinks of the contradiction involved in "honoring the memory" of him of whom no memory remains to honor; but the attempt seems to do no great harm to the living, even to the logical.
little sun little moon little dog and a little to eat and a little to love and a little to live for in a little room filled with little mice who gnaw and dance and run while I sleep waiting for a little death in the middle of a little morning in a little city in a little state my little mother dead my little father dead in a little cemetery somewhere. I have only a little time to tell you this: watch out for little death when he comes running but like all the billions of little deaths it will finally mean nothing and everything: all your little tears burning like the dove, wasted.
I am a cemetery abhorred by the moon, In which long worms crawl like remorse.
I often think it would be really interesting to take all of those who would wage war to the battlefield cemeteries, and say, explain yourself to the dead. Explain yourself to the dead!
Military cemeteries around the world are packed with brainwashed dead soldiers who were convinced God was on their side. America prays for God to destroy our enemies. Our enemies pray for God to destroy us. Somebody's gonna be disappointed! Somebody's wasting their time! Could it be.. everyone?
In Moscow they do not pay much attention to the living but keep their cemeteries in a splendid state.
I realised how rich I had become and I asked myself, 'Do I really want to be the richest person in the cemetery?
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