Francis Bacon, John Blackbourne, George Fabyan Collection (Library of Congress) (1730). “Francisci Baconi Baronis de Verulamio ... Opera Omnia Quatuor Voluminibus Comprehensa: Containing, I. Proposition for compiling and amendment of our laws. II. Offer of a digest of the laws. III. Elements, or, Maxims and use of the common law. IV. Cases of treason. V. Four arguments in law ... VI. Draught of an act. VII. Ordinances in chancery. VIII. Reading on the statute of uses. IX. Resuscitatio ... X. Charges. XI. Speeches. XII. Observations on a libel, &c. XIII. Report of Lopez's treason. XI”, p.15
"'Headless Woman' Director Lucrecia Martel: My love of storytelling comes from oral tradition". Interview with Eugene Hernandez, August 20, 2009.