The greatest thing we can possibly gain from this life is the ability to love, and to love greatly.
Know that you are a spark of God and can exist fully only within the realization of that profound truth. As such, you are a light and inspiration to others.
You can’t make yourself closer to God by hating someone else, whether you believe it’s righteous anger or not. The relationship between Soul—which is you—and God is one of love. And where there’s pure love, there is no room for anger of any kind.
Love does not come to those who seek it, but to those who give love. It is a binding force between souls who have nothing to give but themselves to one another.
If you keep in mind that love and love alone is the reason for living, it will calm your heart and free you from your worries.
Before you can improve your life and find a measure of happiness, you must learn to do one thing every day out of pure love.
What prepares you for the true path of God? The experiences of life.
We are learning to work with intuition, which actually is Soul giving us gentle guidance to make our life better.
The secret of a balanced life is to live each moment in the right spiritual frame of mind.
Love won't come through unless the heart is open. To work with an open heart is to love or care for something or someone more than you do for yourself. This is the first step to the divine love that we all are looking for.
If we want to keep the blessings of life coming to us, we must learn to be grateful for whatever is given.
We are personally responsible for our own state of consciousness. As Soul unfolds toward total freedom, It understands total responsibility must be accepted for every thought and action.
Children have the wisdom of God and are closer to it than many people who have spent years in this world gaining all kinds of knowledge about the nature of religion. Children have it naturally.
Soul, a particle of God, is blessed with the gift of creative imagination, which finds a solution for every problem.
Whenever you're in doubt about any action, ask yourself: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? You can also ask, what would love do now?
We become a Co-worker with God at every step of the spiritual path. This is a universal law. There is great hope here for those who are sincere in finding out who and what they are, becoming a Co-worker with God, and realising the Kingdom of Heaven while still living in the body. The key lies within you.
The journey home to God is what life is about. In a sense it's not even a journey. It's an ongoing experience.
Knowledge can bring many things..but the consciousness of the heart brings love, and love brings everything
Every problem contains a solution. The key is self-discipline and surrender of the mental habits to the Holy Spirit.
We must first give to life if we expect life to give anything in return. This is the divine law.
It’s quite a discipline when we’re in trouble to think of God and say, “I need some help.”
Love Gratefully. This love expands your heart into a greater vessel which can hold yet more love.
One of the biggest lessons we can learn in life is to do everything possible to reach an accord with the individual we are having trouble with.
If you have a problem or desire a healing, try this exercise before falling asleep. Catch yourself at that point just before you fall asleep - between waking and sleep. Imagine bathing yourself with the healing orange light. You then can ask the Inner Master to help you regain spiritual balance by saying, "If it's for the good of all concerned and doesn't interfere with my spiritual growth, would you please heal me?" Then holding that thought, drift into sleep.
A person with a golden heart is filled with love and likes to see something that he starts completed and done well.
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