I always advise eating regular meals — a mix of healthy carbs, protein and fruits and veggies.
When I'm sore, ice is my best friend. It really works. I take omega-3s every day, which helps with inflammation. And I try to eat things that won't inflame my joints, like fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein, and seafood.
As far juicing goes, I've done it for a couple of years; it's very good to cleanse the body. Doing the smoothies and getting the fruits and veggies in there just gives you more energy. You'll feel quite different after a couple weeks of doing it. Be consistent with it and you'll see it really makes a difference.
If more people start selling ugly produce we have a chance to crack the hunger and malnutrition problems in the U.S. (Almost 90% of us do not get enough fruits and veggies).
Rather than munching on a bag of potato chips, stick to fresh fruit and veggies.
I eat healthy most of the time. Whole foods are the best for you when you are super active, so I get plenty of fruits and veggies to keep me energized.
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