William Carey (1792). “An Enquiry Into the Obligations of Christians, to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens: In which the Religious State of the Different Nations of the World, the Success of Former Undertakings, and the Practicability of Further Undertakings are Considered,”, p.77
James Monroe, Ian Elliot, United States. President (1817-1825 : Monroe) (1969). “James Monroe, 1758-1831: chronology, documents, bibliographical aids”, Oceana Pubns
George Washington, William Jackson (1838). “Monuments of Washington's Patriotism: Containing a Fac Simile of His Publick Accounts Kept During the Revolutionary War; and Some of the Most Interesting Documents Connected with His Military Command and Civil Administration; Embracing, Among Others, the Farewell Address to the People of the United States”, p.10