"The Inefficient Stock Market - What Pays Off And Why". Book byRobert Haugen, Chapter 5, Predicting Future Stock Returns with the Expected-Return Factor Model, p. 56, 1999.
"The Inefficient Stock Market - What Pays Off And Why". Book by Robert Haugen, Chapter 12, The Forces behind the Technical Payoffs to Price History, p. 121, 1999.
"The Inefficient Stock Market - What Pays Off And Why". Book by Robert Haugen, ch. 3, Estimating Portfolio Risk and Expected Return with Ad Hoc Factor Models, p. 29, 1999.
"The Inefficient Stock Market - What Pays Off And Why". Book by Robert Haugen, ch. 2, Estimating Expected Return with the Theories of Modern Finance, p. 16, 1999.