
Chloe Grace Moretz Quotes - Page 4

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    "You really get caught up in this system of the world - the Instagram world, society - we really get caught up in what our friends want and what our jobs want. I think the priority in life is to feel secure and safe and solid, truly. Just feeling good, just being okay with sitting alone. I think that's a big thing people need to realize and get used to that it's okay to be alone. It's good to be alone, and you need to be able to sit by yourself and just be peaceful and silent, and learn to read a book again; learn to just be. It's hard to be when you are so used to static input."

    - Chloe Grace Moretz,, added Aug 3, 2017

    Chloe Grace Moretz

    • Born: February 10, 1997
    • Occupation: Film actress
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