The truth is that contraception saves lives, prevents unplanned pregnancies, improves outcomes for children and reduces the number of abortions.
A woman experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserves to experience unplanned joy.
Unplanned pregnancy is an equal-opportunity affliction.
For the past 25 years as an adoption attorney, I have witnessed the extraordinary courage and compassion of women - from age 14 to 40 - facing unplanned pregnancy. Not once did I believe that the government should interfere with their personal and private decision.
Donald Trump has every intention to repeal the Affordable Care Act, as much because it's known as Obamacare [as because he wants] to try and deconstruct the legacy of President Obama. But that has implications that mean women who were accessing family planning and contraception as a preventative service with no co-pay will lose access to that coverage. We [will] only see an exacerbation of the things we were engaged in trying to prevent - like unplanned pregnancy and the need for abortion, which creates a societal dilemma.
or simply: