[In the Royal Society, there] has been, a constant Resolution, to reject all the amplifications, digressions, and swellings of style: to return back to the primitive purity, and shortness, when men deliver'd so many things, almost in an equal number of words. They have exacted from all their members, a close, naked, natural way of speaking; positive expressions; clear senses; a native easiness: bringing all things as near the Mathematical plainness, as they can: and preferring the language of Artizans, Countrymen, and Merchants, before that, of Wits, or Scholars.
- Men
- Style
- Language
- Purity
- Resolution
- Natural
- Mathematics
- Mathematical
- Wit
- Equal
- Scholar
- Primitive
- Native
- Plainness
- Amplification
- Clear
- Constant
- Easiness
- Expression
- Members
- Naked
- Numbers
- Rejects
- Return
- Royal
- Shortness
- Swelling
- Way
- All Things
- Countrymen
- Has Beens
- Merchants
- Senses
- Return Back
- Rejection
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