It's more blessed to give than to receive - especially kittens.
- Bible
- Bible Verse
- Jesus Inspirational
- Alms
- Charity And Giving
- Jesus
- Help The Poor
- Tithe
- Generosity
- Giving To The Poor
- Charitable
- Gifts And Giving
- Avarice Greed
- Biblical Truth
- Biblical
- Giving And Receiving
- Philanthropy Inspiration
- Offering
- Offering To God
- Charitable Giving
- Helping Others
- Inspirational Charity
- Stewards
- Giving
- Jesus Words
- Give More Than You Take
- Generosity And Giving
- Stewardship
- Charity And Generosity
- Charity
- Christ Love
- Joy Of Giving
- Truism
- Volunteer Work
- Giving To Charity
- Tithing
- Blessed
- Philanthropy Giving
- Gift Giving
- Receiver
- Needy
- Serving Others
- Philanthropic
- Benevolence
- Inspiring Others
- Treasures In Heaven
- Giving In
- Jesus Christ
- Philanthropy
- Generous Person
- Kitten
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