I was raised by drag queens, practically ... my mother died when I was four-years-old, so I was effectively raised by a bunch of different people. A lot of those people were friends of my sister, Kathleen, who had all these gay friends. She would baby-sit me everyday, and she would take me over to her friend's houses with all kinds of things going on: tucking, and eyebrow drawing, waxing, all sorts of things. I was literally raised by gay men.
The older you get the more realistic it is that you're significant other is your significant other. I mean, you'll always have your girlfriends or your guy friends, but the person you're married to is usually your No. 1.
~I got pregnant, and I was like, 'Oh God, it worked! Oh no!' Chris [Ivery, her husband] and I were super happy, then I got terrified! Will I know how to do everything right? Of course, nobody does everything right, but as long as your baby is the priority, that's the best you can do.~
Can you get any better than Patrick Dempsey? I don't think so!
I don't like everybody who I see on TV.
Learning about the way people process information and their emotions is hugely helpful to my work.
People love to watch a train wreck, I suppose.
Acting can be an amazingly cathartic thing - especially for young girls.
I read a lot of nonfiction - especially books about the brain.
Being a mother is magical.
Being a mother is the most fun job I've ever had.
It's easy to get lost in the baby. You have to make sure you give your husband attention.
It's gross. We use real brains - I think they're lamb or cow or something. Intestines smell. Brains don't really smell, but what's amazing about the brain is that it's almost like scrambled eggs or soft tofu, almost like a gel. The brain controls so much of what we do, but you could put your finger right through it.
You know, Boston people are full of sauce.
I went up a pants size during my pregnancy.
Thank god Shonda Rhimes had this agenda to make television look like life, to make it look like the real world.
My mother came from an Irish family of 11 kids and, of course, had a sister who was a nun, so I spent time at a convent and with an aunt and uncle who lived in New York and took me to the theater.
Cancer is something that touches everyone's lives.
I was never a person who was introduced to junk food.
I’m the Renee Zellweger now. Jewel is the me now. There is no more Jewel.
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